Please be nice as we all have imperfections and we are all working to become better people.
Above: My starting place at 216lbs.
Not a whole lot of a change but here I was 194lbs. My hubby and I ran the haunted half marathon.
I live by the law that "modesty is the best policy" however, I wanted to share that I still have a little bit to go before I hit my goal. With my shirt on it is not to bad. I have a few friends and family who think that I don't need to loose anymore weight. I am currently at 153.6lbs I have come a long way but I still have about 15-20lbs to go.
I get asked how I was able to lose most of my weight and I always give the easy fast answer. My Fitness Pal and going to the gym most days. Which is mostly true but I have also found some KEY things that we must do in order to make any real permanent changes. Which is a different post. But I did need to make a bold commitment to make some changes. I have been working on doing a 30 day raw challenge!!!
My plan is to do a LOW FAT, High Carb, Vegan diet. Mostly raw.
I have done MANY "diets" in the past and have found success in most of them. The problem was that I didn't maintain the release of weight permanently. I want to not only achieve my goal and perfect weight for my frame but also to become extremely healthy!!!
SO.... Here we go!!! Tomorrow I will be committing myself to a vegan, mostly raw low fat diet.
You may be thinking "what is she talking about low fat, high carb, vegan?"
Here is what I have been doing for the last 2 days.
Breakfast: Juiced veggies with little fruit. This is when I wake up to get my system going with amazing raw enzymes and minerals. When you juice your veggies your body can simulate into your bloodstream in 15 minutes!!! It makes it so that your body does not have to "sift" through the fiber to find the treasure your body needs to cleanse as well as use to feed your cells, blood, ect.
Veggies and herbs that I have been juicing include: Broccoli, Carrots (not a lot), Beets and the greens, Romaine Lettuce, Cabbage, Lemon, Celery, Ginger root, Mint, Cucumber, Peppers, Kale, Water Cress, Cilantro, Parsley, Radish. Just to name a few. Fruit that I put in it is usually half and apple.
Later when I feel hungry I will be eating fruit!!! In fact I will be eating a LOT of fruit until 4pm. As much fruit as I want. :0) No calorie counting as I have done in the past. If I am hungry I eat fruit. As much as I want. Half a Watermelon. Sure why not? Today I ate about half a Pineapple, 5-7 Bananas, 3 Pears, 3 large Plums, 1 Mango.
Tomorrow I will probably eat Grapes, Bananas, Nectarines, Plums, Strawberries, and anything else that I think sounds good. :0)
For dinner I think we will be eating Baked Potatos, with fresh Salsa. Maybe a Salad with veggies.
My goal is to write on this blog almost daily to let you know how things are going.
Oh, I feel it important to let you know that I am planning on making this a life style if you want to know more about this way of eating please read this book called 80/10/10.
I will not be weighing myself for the 30 days. I have done some research and it is said that, at first from bloating, healing of the damage done by low calories, Processed Sugars, and many other things that we have done to hurt our system, it is normal to gain before releasing. So because of this I will not be stepping on the scale. So at the end of my 30 days I will post pictures and my numbers.
Hope you feel free to follow my journey.