
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 9-10 5K with my family

  We took the kids on their first 5K. It was a good experience, but one of the hardest 5Ks I have ever done!!! We were so excited about taking them out to do our fist family run.

    Going into the race I knew that I would have to help Beeps because she is only 6 years old. For those of you who don't know a 5K is 3.1 miles. I ended up carrying her on my shoulders most of the time. Doing things like this is good for me, it is a good reminder how much I used to carry around with me all of the time.  We are doing better going out and doing things with the kids. We need to up our activity level as a family.

    I want to let you know how things are going with the diet. Both with my family and with me.

    Let's start with me, I am doing well. I have not been perfect at this, and the first week was not always easy. The thing that have been the hardest to stay away from, which I have not been successful most of the time with, is French Bread.  I don't eat a lot of bread in general but French Bread is my down fall. The times that I have fallen off of the wagon it has been because of the French Bread. I think that for the time being what I need to do is to write down what I am craving, then tell myself that at the end of the 30 days I can eat the bread, or what ever I am craving. I will let you know how that is working.

  So, how are things with the family? That has been a little tricky. The kids love the fruit and I haven't taken away the cheese, eggs, etc. However, I am not replacing them after we run out. If the kids start to miss the cooked food and ask for it over and over again then I will reassess what needs to happen. My goal it so make really yummy food so that they don't miss the cooked food for breakfast. I will keep you updated on how that is going as well.

 Tomorrow I will be making a list of the food combinations I as still learning about why the combinations are important because of this I won't be saying a whole lot about why it is important not to eat certain foods with other foods. Keep an eye out for that post coming tomorrow.


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